This rule raises an issue when an externally visible enumeration is marked with FlagsAttribute
and one, or more, of its values is not
a power of 2 or a combination of the other defined values.
Noncompliant code example
using System;
namespace MyLibrary
public enum Color // Noncompliant, Orange is neither a power of two, nor a combination of any of the defined values
None = 0,
Red = 1,
Orange = 3,
Yellow = 4
Compliant solution
using System;
namespace MyLibrary
public enum Color // Compliant - no FlagsAttribute
None = 0,
Red = 1,
Orange = 3,
Yellow = 4
public enum Days
None = 0,
Monday = 1,
Tuesday = 2,
Wednesday = 4,
Thursday = 8,
Friday = 16,
All = Monday| Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday // Compliant - combination of other values